New Delhi, 11 August 2010
Scams And Scums
BY Dr P K Vasudeva
The Planning Commission
recently reported that corruption “has permeated the entire social fabric”
leading to “large-scale mis-utilisation of resources”. At the same time, it offered
totally workable solutions. Provided there is a political will to act firmly
and severely punish the culprits. Namely, quick identification of the guilty;
swift decision; deterrent punishment; dispensing with the scope for discretion
in decision-making and ushering in more transparency.
Recall, in the 50s-60s scams
and scums were few and far between, and it was feasible to bring them to book.
Finance Ministers, R. K. Shanmukham Chetty and T. T. Krishnamachari, left the
Cabinet for lapses which today seem piffle. During the Janata rule,
Morarji Desai and Charan Singh came in for a lot of criticism due to the
former's son and latter's wife besides other relatives dabbling in Government affairs
for a consideration. Particularly, as corruption was then considered unethical
and punishable acts.
But, by today's standards, the former Prime
Ministers’ progenies’ transgressions are a mere speck in the political
spectrum. Even the Bofors payoff is considered peanuts compared to the dizzying
heights of sleaze scaled by persons in positions of authority in recent years.
The day is not far off, if
not already there, when a passer-by will demand a few rupees for telling you
the time or guiding you to some unfamiliar location. No public figure,
institution, authority, politician and bureaucrat any longer command the
people's confidence for unimpeachable rectitude. Every one is assumed to be in
on the take, to have a price tag.
Right from the registration
of one’s vehicle, issue of passport, ration card, No Objection Certificate for
setting up an institution, licence for starting a business, publishing news,
admission in a professional college, employment for a class IV job to the
purchase of property everything is seeped in corruption with unscrupulous
elements amassing colossal wealth in Swiss banks.
From Central-State Ministers
and Chief Ministers, MPs, MLAs down Supreme Court and High Court Judges, University
Vice-Chancellors, bureaucracy, police, media barons to the last but not least, the
Commonwealth Games (CWG) Organising Committee’s office-bearers --- the cancer
has metastasised into every nook and corner of the country. There is a regular
flow of news, almost by the hour, of some big shot or the other being either
caught in the act or covering up his and his cohorts' corrupt misdeeds.
The monumental sums being
bandied about in the corruption-infested CWG are beyond belief. It is not even
the tip of the iceberg. In fact, we will never know the actual amount of the taxpayers'
money that has gone into private pockets. This is highly shameful. Where will
the buck stop?
The international community
has started looking down upon Indians for our corrupt practices. Time is not
far when we will not be issued visas to travel to some of the countries lest
their citizens get infected with corrupt practices, unless corruption is
ruthlessly crushed.
Remember, when Bihar’s infamous fodder scam touched Rs. 900 crore, it seemed
like a huge amount. Today, the plunderers of public coffers might sue one for
defamation if they are accused of fleecing such ‘paltry’ sums. Specially in a
milieu where the Madhu Koda’s and their ilk have swindled over Rs 4,000-6,000
crore as the minimum ‘respectable' amount for qualifying as a star swindler, to
be conferred with a Satyavadi Ratna.
Sadly, our judicial system
cannot guarantee justice, fairness and equality. The police cannot protect
simple, poor and honest citizens. The law makers are law breakers. Casteism and
nepotism thrive among the corrupt to protect each other. They revel in being “thick
as thieves”. Thanks to vote bank politics where castes and corruption are
supreme, not people below the poverty line.
Most of the alleged ‘kleptomaniac’
politicians and bureaucrats lack empathy and therefore rarely regret or fear
the consequences of their misdeeds. This only makes them more culpable and
perilous. A scourge on the nation.
Significantly, in the US during the
last five years, two Governors and six Senators and Congressmen have been sentenced to serve
6-12 years in jail for crimes. In the
same period, China
executed five top officials, including a Mayor and the head of a Government agency
after summary trial. Worse, many Europeans believe India is irredeemable and
Corruption has eroded the
nation's foundation to such an extent that not a few consider it wishful thinking
to expect that corruption could be reduced to manageable levels. The tragedy is
that India
is perceived as among the most corrupt nations, occupying a prominent position
in the intercontinental rogues' gallery.
The impression is of a
disorganised, muddled, messy, free-for-all country which lacks patriotism.
Moral values seem to have rapidly and irrevocably declined. The fact that
many citizens intentionally disobey the laws of the land is a reflection of the
insanity and breakdown of law and order. Wherein the country continues to wear
the badge of dishonour and infamy.
What next? Indians need to
realize we are all fighting a common enemy in corruption. Plainly, all the corrupt
need to be taken to task. Be it motorists, armed robbers, militants and
Naxalites, as also fraudulent Government officials. Another way to curb this
scourge is through external control, whereby the Government makes corruption a
very dangerous exercise.
If truth be told, India’s survival
and that of our future generations depends on eradicating corruption. Answers
to this can be found in our ancient scriptures. The Rig
Veda which has been accorded “Heritage” status
by UNESCO contains a large number of hymns on the causes of corruption and how
to eliminate the same in any mosaic society. In the other three Holy Vedas too a
few mantras/hymns relate to corruption. Will India stand by its heritage?
Unquestionably, the time is
ripe to nail all guilty of misdemeanor who violate India’s pride and continue to humiliate
the nation before the international community. The ‘corrupt’ buck must stop at all levels. Especially
the top! ----INFA
(Copyright, India
News and Feature Alliance)